Morpheus8 Treatment Summary
- Less downtime – compared to surgical alternatives
- Long-lasting results – skin-tightening results last up to 2-5 years
- Unrivalled expertise – performed by team trained
How Does Morpheus8 Work?
Microneedling’s simple, but effective, wrinkle-reducing properties are enhanced by electromagnetic waves radiating deep beneath your skin. Morpheus8 is the only full-body fractional aesthetic device for subdermal adipose remodeling.
Morpheus8 revitalizes your face and neck by promoting collagen growth. The array of silicone-coated adjustable needles, extending up to 4mm, are empowered by RF energy. So it is an effective micro-contouring tool for the body, as well. The belly, buttocks and underarms are frequent targets for skin-tightening and stretch mark reduction. You just can’t get results like this without surgery!
Morpheus8 Recovery and Downtime
Any redness and swelling can take from 4 to 21 days to disappear. It is important not to scratch, pick or rub the area treated as a pinkish skin discoloration or hypo/hyperpigmentation could persist.
You will be required to use a growth factor serum twice a day & SPF50, (which has to be applied twice a day on the treated area for 4 weeks) to aid the healing process.
Who should NOT have this treatment?
- If you are pregnant
- Have a Pacemaker or internal defibrillator or any electronic Implant such as glucose monitor
- Permanent implant in the treated area such as metal plates and screws, silicone implants or an injected chemical substance
- A history of diseases stimulated by heat, such as recurrent Herpes Simplex in the treatment area
- Any active condition in the treatment area, such as sores, psoriasis, eczema and rash as well as excessively/freshly tanned skin
- Superficial injection of biological fillers in the last 6 months, or Botox in the last 2 weeks