There are many benefits to adding mobility work to your workout. We have provided you with some advantages to adding mobility to your workout and the different types of mobility training and work.
Improved Technique and Range of Movement
Mobility training can actually benefit your form. When your muscles and joints are more flexible, then you are able to have a more increased range of motion. This allows you to perform your exercises with a better technique.
A More Effective Warmup
Mobility training benefits your workout in ways that a quick warm-up cannot. During mobility training, blood is being moved to the surrounding tissues. Synovial fluid, the fluid in our joints that helps them to glide freely, is carried into the working joints. An example of this would be to perform hip circles to warm up the hips. The blood is transported to the hip flexors, glutes and external rotators, which are the muscles that move the leg. Synovial fluid lubricates the hip in preparation for exercise.
Reduced Risk of Injury
One of the biggest mobility training benefits is the reduced risk of injury. If there is any restriction to a moving joint, then there is a high risk of injury, especially if you like to lift heavy.
Types of Mobility Training Exercise
There are many ways engage in mobility training. One thing that is so great about mobility exercises, is that they can take on many different forms. For example, some require only your bodyweight, whereas others use various types of equipment. This can include resistance bands, foam rollers, barbells or poles.
Body Weight
There are many different exercises that can be used to increase mobility. Using your bodyweight is a wise place to start. Most exercises have regressions for those just beginning. There are also progressions if you are more advanced. If you’re just beginning, these mobility drills will get easier with practice and patience.
Foam Rolling
Many mobility training benefits can come from foam rolling. However, some people shy away from foam rolling because it can hurt. Unfortunately, if it is painful, this is probably a sign that you need to do more of it. Also, it is common to spend too little time foam rolling. The foam roller needs to move slowly over the muscles, while you use as much of your body weight as possible to increase the tension.
Give us a Call at Peak Wellness! Whether you want to schedule an appointment or learn more about all of our other services we would be happy to assist!