Pilates gives athletes an edge mentally and physically. The practice reduces injuries, speeds recovering time, improves range of motion, promotes efficient breathing techniques, and develops a mind-body connection.

During sport-specific training you use the same muscle groups repetitively, which can cause muscle imbalances and hinder performance.

The smaller muscle groups get neglected in some forms of athletics. Pilates will force you into movement patterns that are lacking in other training methods. You will be lying on your side, stomach, back, sitting, standing, rolling, and balancing in different ways.

You can expect increased strength and overall stability in your core, and will likely become more aware which muscles are being activated.

Training is all about change, and you have to continue to work your body in different ways. Pilates targets the areas athletes struggle with the most: postural alignment, balanced muscle strength, and functionality of movement through core body strength.



Muscles targeted: Core and back

Repetitions: Five repetitions on each side

  • Start lying on your back, knees bent comfortably, feet hip-width apart on mat. Hold a Pilates ring over your chest, and lift one foot in the air.
  • Take a deep breath. As you begin to exhale, move your chin toward your collar bone and push the circle across your body. Your eyes should be gazing in the direction or the circle. Begin to lift your planted leg off the ground.
  • Lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor while twisting and bending your torso. Keep your shoulders relaxed.
  • Inhale, and return to starting position. Repeat.



Muscles targeted: Muscles surrounding the lower spine and torso

Repetitions: Five to 10

  • Using a Spine Corrector or BOSU® ball, sit upright, hands cupping the back of your head. Your knees should be bent with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Take a deep breath. As you exhale, bring your tailbone forward, allowing your spine to round toward the barrel. Make sure your lower back makes contact with the Spine Corrector or BOSU® ball.
  • Inhale once you complete the movement. Exhale to fold forward and round your body over your legs.
  • Return to starting position.


Muscles targeted: Obliques, legs, glutes

Repetitions: 10 per side

  • Lie on your side on a Spine Corrector or BOSU® ball. Your body should be in a straight line. Inhale.
  • As you exhale, engage your core and move your top leg away from your body. Your leg should rise a few inches; knee caps should face forward throughout the entire movement.
  • Inhale to return your leg to starting position.



Muscles targeted: Obliques, hips, thighs

Repetitions: 10 per side

  • Using a Ladder Barre, rest your hip on the barrel and your feet on the ladder, keeping your body vertical. Inhale. (You may also use an inflatable ball, keeping your feet on the ground and resting your hip on the ball).
  • Inhale, and lean your body toward the barre or ball, keeping your hands in the direction of your body line.
  • Exhale, engage your thighs, and pull your body back to starting position.

Advanced modifications: Hold on to a pole or towel with your hands overhead while you complete the exercise.



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